Wednesday, July 27, 2011

World Prophet FAQ Part 1

This is my first blog post since March.   Life keeps moving, ever quicker.  Every day, every week, every month is a thing quite new.

Today I want to answer a few of the most frequently asked questions about this site and this ministry.  These questions and these answers have emerged over the last few months as I talk to people about the World Prophet in Action, what it is and what it asks from each of us.   My original intention was to write in "plain English", but I see that I have not always been successful in this.  My hope is that these questions and answers will spark further questions and further answers,  and thus lead to a fuller flowering of everything discussed here.

The number one question people ask me is, "How did you get started in this?"   But that one will have to wait until part 2.

What is a prophet?

A prophet listens for the Voice of the present and speaks what he or she hears.   Being a prophet is not about predicting the future.  It is about giving voice to what is all around us all the time.   A prophet hears what everyone hears then says it newly.  When a prophet listens and speaks, a new City rises.  Abraham listens and speaks, and his tribe leaves Ur for an unseen promised land.  Moses listens and speaks, and the Israelites leave Egypt. A prophet, speaking and hearing the words of prophecy, can call into being a City or call an existing city to rise and turn again.

A City means a place for people to connect; a place for people to be civil; a civilization; a place for living.   In current times the whole planet is a City.  We will thrive together or we will die.

What is a World Prophet?
The World needs a World Prophet and you (together) are one, so get to work and learn as you go.
The World Prophet is a job description not a person.  It is a job description that Nature has asked for humans to be willing to become.  The World Prophet hears the voice of the world and speaks what she hears.   She speaks for the world.  

The World Prophet speaks for the World Garden. This world is a garden planet.  A garden is any environment that is initiated by humans, given its purpose and direction by humans, and sustained by humans.   As long as we are the dominant species, this planet is our garden.  Nature lives now in the spaces and in the ways that humans make room for.  This world used to be a wild and natural planet in which humans lived in the spaces and in the ways that nature made room for.   Now that is reversed.

Nature's job is easier when nature has a World Prophet to listen to.   We all are beginners in learning what this means; here is a start. The World Prophet must listen and speak not just for humans and to humans, but also for nature and to nature.  Nature listens.   There is a whole background here -- a co-creative approach.  Humans supply definition, direction, and purpose.  Nature supplies matter, means, and action.  Neither is whole, alone.  So one could say that the World Prophet helps to clarify the definition, direction, and purpose for the World Garden and that Nature finds this helpful.

The World Prophet is shared.  Nature need not listen to any one particular human when the voice of humanity is available.  The World Prophet in Action is the term for the energetic reality of thousands of humans rising to listen and speak together the words of prophecy.  That job description is not for a single one and it is not for everyone. It only takes a few thousand to get the job done.   I sometimes call this the Tribe of Ten Thousand.

Who is a World Prophet?

You are, or someone you know.

All of us are called to prophecy at some level.   Any of us can start a garden, can work in partnership with nature, can help the world wake up together.  Any of us can speak the simple truth in a new clear way.

Yet some people are called to rise together as the World Prophet.   A calling is a useful term for a sense that life will not be complete without making an effort in the area of the calling.   Someone who is called to be an artist will be happier being a finger-painter than having no art at all.   And an Artist will find ways to bring art into everything they do or will be unhappy.  Relationships are art.  Engineering is art.   Love is art.  Similarly, someone who is called to be a healer will be happy to the extent they find ways to make room for healing.

For those of us who are called to the World Prophet,  let's say that we cannot help hearing the Voice of the planet.  Everything is prophecy. We find a way to listen.  All my life, I have followed a thread of approaches that support people, computers, or gardens to work together and cooperate.   All my life I have been convinced that neither spirit nor matter is as interesting alone as they are when bridged together.  As I have started to tell the truth more and more about what really calls to me, life has gotten both simpler and more interesting.   At a certain point, a grand phrase like "World Prophet in Action" becomes a gift that starts to show me who I am and who I must become.  There are many of us at this stage right now, for whom this phrase can be a gift.

Not all who are called to the World Prophet are awake to this calling.  That is OK.  They will wake up in time or others will step in.  

What if I am not a World Prophet?

Everyone is called to something. There is no RIGHT THING to be called to.  There are people I know who are called to be healer, minister, engineer, builder, governor, artist, poet, mother, father, sister, cook -- the list goes on.  I don't just mean they are good at that function.   Rather, it is like a huge sigh of relief when they admit to themselves how happy or energized that function makes them.  (Often the relief comes after resisting for a while.)

A key part of accepting a calling is to find a way to accept that gift for yourself.  A mother must be mothered; a father must be fathered; a healer must be healed.   To be a blessing one must allow oneself to be blessed.  

All callings run together in the end.  A sufficiently advanced teacher or healer or minister or mother can accept a calling to function as a prophet.   We all accept new callings all the time.  So wake up to the calling you came here for, or wake up to a new calling that the world has never seen.  Just wake up.

What is my role in the World Prophet in Action?

And what if you do choose to accept a calling to the World Prophet?  Then what is your role?

Pretty much anything!   To join with others to listen to the voice for the planet and to do what it tells us to do -- what could be simpler?   And what could be more challenging?  So start wherever you are and find some way to get to work and learn as you go.

Trust yourself.  Here's what I said to friends recently:  You are invited because you are an originator and a prophet and you have something unique to bring.  My part is simply and totally to prepare the meeting ground in which we work.   The rest is up to you.  Trust in Spirit's readiness to lead you where you need to lead.

What is Peter Cudhea's role in the World Prophet in Action?

I AM the meeting ground for the World Prophet in Action.  That is my job description. My job is to provide a way of working in which those who have accepted the calling of World Prophet can join together and together listen for the Voice of the world.

There is work to be done that can only be done together and can only be done now.  The classic methods for coming together in large groups will not scale to this.  Just imagine 10,000 highly visionary and highly motivated people coming together for a few hours and trying to hash out how to save the world.  Imagine the interpersonal dynamics.   Imagine the push and pull between seemingly opposite approaches and ideas.  Imagine doing it with no "leader".  The whole idea is exhausting. 

Approaches such as Wisdom Circles and  Systems Centered Therapy demonstrate that it is possible to take a committed assemblage of willing people through stages of become a functional group.  Yet even then it takes a lot.   Several days or weeks. Trained facilitators. Lots of willingness to tell the truth and own the truth.  And that's just to get the job started. Even then, those approaches seem to be best at a scale where each individual can see and know and trust each of the other individuals.  It is an open question how to extend those techniques to huge groups.

But what if there were an energetic structure that could support this work from underneath -- something that could help the group tap into deeper levels of wisdom and deeper levels of heart and deeper levels of support. Such an energetic structure could help large groups to:
  • ease the process of joining -- help each and all take a leap of faith;
  • clarify flow and timing -- what is essential to address when;
  • see beyond the immediate issues to the wisdom and heart that underlies the seeming division; 
  • deliver healing energy to where it is needed at the moment it is needed and in a manner it can be accepted;
  • and to do all that in an ever-evolving dance that is always new from moment to moment.
Consider this an example of the co-creative approach.  I as the human express the above intention to Nature.  Nature steps in to provide matter means and action.   I start to listen to Nature to work out the details of how to accomplish that intention.   It is a soil-less garden in the large.   It is a research garden.

My connection with Nature in this research garden tells me that energetic structures such as I have described ARE available for the asking and will have amazing benefits both individually and collectively.  An initial approach is to build on the existing energetic structures called "Conings" that are written about by Machaelle Small Wright and the Perelandra Center for Nature Research, and then  re-invent them for use in large groups.  I am calling the resulting energetic structures "Shaped conings" for now to distinguish them from classic Perelandra conings.

Deepening and expanding and building on this initial attempt, and clarifying what it takes to engage together as the World Prophet in Action, is what I consider to be my life's work.


That's it for today.  

More details about partnering with nature, classic conings  and shaped conings will be coming in the World Prophet FAQ Part 2.

For completeness, here are some of the questions I might answer in Part 2.  If you have a different question, please add it as a comment to this post or send it to me in an email.
  • How did you get started in all this?
  • What do you mean, "Partner with Nature" anyway?
  • What is a Coning and what  is it good for?
  • How is a "Shaped Coning" different?
  • Who and what is the Coning "team" for the World Prophet in Action?
  • What are World Prophet Activities? 
  • What are the personal benefits to me of joining in World Prophet activities?