Sunday, December 16, 2012

Things to be willing to say

At Holy Spirit Night, we recently started a series of sentences to be willing to say. For some of us, dwelling with these sentences has become a daily discipline. Feel free to add or, within limits, to rewrite. This set is sufficient.  Each sentence has a we version and an I version.  You can say either or both of these versions.

Things to be willing to say

We have everything we need.
I have everything I need to be in heaven at every moment and to make of this life a heaven on earth.

The healing power of will holds all we need.
The healing power of will holds all I need or could need.
I am willing to learn and to master right use of will.

We will heal will.
I AM right use of healing power of will.

We are willing to work.
I am willing to work to make of this life a heaven on earth.  Work is love, freedom and joy.  Nothing else will work.

We are happy to leave hell.
Any moment I stay in hell I am actively using will to stay in hell.  To be in hell is to mis-use the healing power of will. I am happy to see where I have been mis-using the healing power of will.  I am happy to leave hell.  I am happy to live in Heaven.   

We are happy to speak each day.
I am happy each and every day to find new ways to leave hell and live in Heaven.  I am happy to speak these words each day.  I am happy to speak these words as a union of aspects of will that have seemed disjoint and uneasy: Self, Others, World, God.

We ask for and receive help.
Unlimited help is available at this moment now to assist me in mastering right use of will to leave hell and live in Heaven.  I reach out to ask for help from Human, Nature, and Spirit.  I receive help by getting to work to make help real.

