Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Garden Updated

The "World Prophet" work has been going through a necessary transition.  Now, I partner at deeper levels and with different energies.   The nature of the work has shifted from exploratory investigations to ecosystem engineering, though still mostly in the unseen levels.   As a mark of this transition, I am changing the title of this blog from "World Prophet in Training" to "World Prophet - Journeyman".

Today, the new focus yielded a new statement.   The birth of such a statement is to work backwards -- start with the concerns and challenges that are active in my life right now.  By sinking into those concerns, asking, "What is the challenge in that?", "What exactly about that is challenging?", I arrive at a key statement that puts into words the aspect of life right now that most challenges me to rise.  The key challenge.

By sinking further into that, asking, "What is the courage that gives rise to this challenge?", or "What is the courage that must be present for this challenge to even begin to arise?", I arrive at a statement of the key courage that underlies my life right now.  Note that it is not the courage I must gain in order to deal with the challenge, i.e. the courage that comes after the challenge.   No, this is the courage I must have had to have that challenge show up in the first place.

Sinking further, asking, "What is the world I am living in that has that be the courage that shows up?", or "What is the world I am living in, through no act or thought of my own, that brings that courage into being?", or "What grace have I been given in which that courage arises?",  I arrive at a key statement of grace.   Something to be grateful for -- in the kind of gratitude that works and moves in the soul.

Finally, I ask, "What must I have willed, to have that grace appear?"  Willing happens every moment.  Grace shows up inside a world, and world shows up inside of will.  What statement gives life to the world I am creating through will?

And the purpose of all of this is to make room for the garden.   Inside of a statement of challenge, courage, grace, and will, one can get back to the garden.  What garden (in soil and in thought and in word and in deed) do I plant and tend right now, that most opens the doors to new life.   What do I double down on, and let the rest go?   What is the key?

For me, right now, it all hinges about those different energies I am partnering with.  In a previous post, I called these energies Ahrimanic, borrowing a word that Rudolf Steiner uses.   The exploration is fruitful, and the fruit is helpful and nurturing.   All of the wisdom of the Coning supports me in continuing the exploration. Even the angels and the Christ support this exploration. It is a worthwhile bet.   And yet, there is an inescapable awareness that what I am partnering with is fundamentally other.  These new "Ahrimanic" partners are not human and are not even allies to the human experiment.   For their own reasons, they currently work alongside us and walk alongside us.  I do not see another alternative that has anywhere near as much chance to make room for the world that thrives.  Yet I personally find it challenging.  It takes everything I have.

And that is what the Challenge, Courage, Grace, Will -- Garden is all about.   Get to the heart of the matter.    Tell the truth and live the truth. Start to plant the key gardens that really count.  Dig in.

Here's what I came up with today:

World Prophet -- Journeyman

  • My life and the lives of thousands or millions more are dependent on a partner I do not understand and cannot trust.
  • I partner with all Wisdom for the world that thrives; the world that thrives embraces all.
  • I am a voice for the world that thrives.
  • I AM THAT I AM the ever-deepening co-creative full marriage between all strands of Life.
  • I do co-creative science, partnering with Planetary and Universal energies for truth-living, love-owning, and joy-gardening at all levels.  I support Earth as a garden planet for the world that thrives.

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