Friday, September 3, 2010

50 posts in 60 days

This series of 50 posts is dedicated to my friend E, who is passing through a major health crisis.  And also to B, and D, and V, and many others.  These are people who have a deep love of life and a deep connection to truth.   Yet their circumstances are so painful that sometimes even to keep going seems impossible.  And yet, God put the joy where the pain is.   Healing is to be found there, where the sickness is, and not someplace else. To you, then, my friends, are dedicated this series of notes on finding the joy in the unlikely places where it seems to dwell.

I will also be discussing planetary healing.   When I started my "PhD program with Nature", the non-physical teachers who are my "thesis committee" suggested a research phrase:
The world needs a World Prophet and you are one, so get to work and learn as you go.
What I have learned from this phrase is that the world is changing out from us at an ever increasing pace.  The stress of technological and economic upheaval, of climate change disruption, of spiritual dislocation and beyond, keeps offering us a new world to live in -- every few minutes.  What kind of garden can we create from all of what we live in today?  What is our "home world"?  And how can we create our home world in the here and now?

The last two years have been the most joyous of my life. Not easy, but joyous.  I stopped trying to "fit in" to anybody's picture of who or what I am or where I could go.  I determined to do my own research and find my own pathway.  I gave up trying to be "normal" and I gave up trying to even understand all of what it is I am called to do.   I honor that which is mine to do and let go of all the rest.   And in that is the greatest joy.

Specifically, I set aside time to do research every day.  I set up a team of non-traditional "thesis advisers" to assist in the research, loosely following a set of suggestions from Machaelle Small Wright of the Perelandra Center for Nature Research on how to become a Co-Creative Scientist.  I use a Coning as the energetic structure to talk with the team. Kinesiology (muscle testing) is the tool for refining and developing the intuitive insight that is my major communication link with this team.

And I set up a series of health practices.   One of my maxims is
Your health practice must meet and match and balance your expansion practice in every way.
The expansion practice is where I train and develop myself to do that which only I can do.  To expand is an act of Will and of Courage in the face of life's Challenges. Healing is the Grace with which the universe responds.  Only one small part of what there is for me to do has never been done. For the rest, I can relax.  I can let myself receive healing as a gift. I can allow myself to see and feel and appreciate the multitude of things that happen every day to adjust the balance and the flow as the universe and I spiral around each other in our eternal dance.  And I can get good at it.

In this series of posts, then, I want to
Feel the joy. Write the joy. Live the joy.
I want to meet these friends and lovers where they need to be and where they are.  I want to give and love and serve, and to have that love show up in the writing.

And so, I leave off with a simple prayer.
I choose Life.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Peter for sharing this. You are already healing the world- -in this "process". By voicing your truth, you are bringing us closer to our own truth. These words have allowed me to relax into my own unique path- -which as you shared, requires us to have some courage to embrace in it's mystery.
    And I love that joy is a big part of this- as part of my ministry is bringing joy into the world. Hurray!
