Thursday, September 23, 2010

Emergency MAP

MAP is the profound and simple health practice I have talked about in earlier posts here and here.   One of the best reasons for become familiar with MAP is to be able to set up an Emergency MAP Coning when you need one.   Chapter 6 of the MAP book describes this process in detail.  Read it. It is designed to be something so simple that you can do it even in the midst of a massive and sudden trauma.  Basically, you ask for an emergency connection to your team, and keep it open for as long as you are "in the hospital".

My MAP team holds a somewhat loose definition of what counts as an "emergency" and what counts as "in the hospital".  At times of spiritual emergence, when I have opened a new reality and am now stepping into it, I have several times tested to start an emergency MAP coning.   The team has asked me to keep the emergency coning open for several days, until the new energy from the emergence can be digested and stabilized.  This is not to be taken lightly.  Keeping any coning open is an energy drain.  Keeping a coning open for several days would never be suggested unless there is an extremely powerful and timely benefit to be received from it right now.

Using an emergency coning is the only time I have ever kept a coning open while driving.  The team has told me that in this special case, the increased clarity of having the emergency coning open can actually make me a safer driver than I would be without it.  Needless to say, I never trust my own good ideas about questions like when to start or continue an emergency.   The Nature side of the coning is responsible for matter, means, and action of any project or goal.   In particular, Nature is the expert in order, organization and life vitality. And this includes all questions of timing and appropriate means.

The most recent time I have tested positive for a several-day emergency coning was this week.  Over the weekend, I received initiation and anointing into a new role with new responsibilities and new challenges.  This was a tremendous expansion.   And as I said in the first post in this series,
Your health practice must meet and match and balance your expansion practice in every way.
So the emergency coning has been very appropriate.   After a few days of that, I have now graduated to "only" needing a Two-Week Intensive Flower Essence Process.  The two-week process is an incredible tool for allowing several layers of self-definition to slough off and be replaced by a new self-definition.  But that is a subject for another post.

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